Ultra-fit, and with a super-toned body KRISHNA SHROFF can give any actor in the industry a run for their money. Daughter of Ayesha and Jackie Shroff and the younger sister of Tiger Shroff, she is a 24/7 fitness freak, with an aptitude for mixed martial arts along with football, basketball and more.
A star athlete, this diva’s name is synonymous today with fitness and with her taut six-pack abs and buff arms, she has time and again been giving all her followers ultimate fitness goals.
From her daily fitness routine to her joint venture with Tiger – fitness studio MMA Matrix (Mixed Martial Arts), she gets candid in a conversation with SINDURI VUPPALA.
You guys are one good-looking family; does hotness run in the blood? What is the secret?
I don’t think there’s really any special secret apart from just doing the things that make you happy. I feel like when you’re truly happy from within, it 100% shows on the outside.

Along with your dad and brother, you have also become an icon for fitness; tell us about your daily fitness routine.
The first hour of my day has to start at the gym. I love to get a 1.5-2-hour workout of strength and conditioning mixed with a little bit of cardio first thing in the morning as I believe it sets the tone up in the most positive way possible for the rest of my day.
Do you ever go to the gym with your brother? Who motivates whom, and do you inspire each other?
Absolutely. If you’re not motivated having Tiger Shroff as your brother and living in your household, then I’m sorry to say, but you’re a lost cause. He definitely inspired me to take on fitness, as it was so awesome seeing him do all these larger-than-life things growing up. It hasn’t been easy keeping up, but I love a good challenge.

How have your parents and brother influenced your understanding of fitness? Is it true that you even put the lockdown to good use? We are told that your dad who stayed on the farm came back looking 10 years younger and you spent time working out with your mother…
They say you’re as good as the company you keep, and not being biased, but mine is top-notch. I don’t think it gets better. The four of us each have our own strengths that we can learn from, which is an absolute blessing. There’s never a moment to slack off because we’re all very competitive as people and we want to be able to keep up with one another.
If you’re not motivated having Tiger Shroff as your brother and living in your household, then I’m sorry to say, but you’re a lost cause.
Your dad is known for his passion for farming, do you also share the same passion?
Not specifically for farming, but I’ve learned so much from him when it comes to nutrition. Not just what to eat, but when to eat what. I’m so grateful for the fact that we get clean food delivered to our doorstep every week thanks to dad’s passion and love for this. It’s become so vital to know where your food comes from and the fact that we do is such a blessing.

In 2019, Tiger and you came together and launched MMA Matrix, a revolutionary concept for India. What are your future plans? Any big expansion plans post the pandemic?
Considering we’ve just opened our newest franchise through the midst of a global pandemic, MMA Matrix Lucknow, I can only see the future of MMA Matrix continue to grow bigger and brighter. We are surrounded by an amazing team who share the same passion for what we’re trying to do and when the intention is pure, there’s no limit to what you can attain.
They say you’re as good as the company you keep, and not being biased, but mine is top-notch.
The film industry had never been fitter. From Tiger to Disha Patani to Shraddha Kapoor, everyone is at their fittest best. Do you ever feel peer pressure being surrounded by such fit bodies?
To be honest and not to sound like a dickhead, but not one bit. I don’t look at anyone around me and think that they have that on me because they don’t. If you’re going to compare me to my brother, then that’s a different story.

From kickboxing to weightlifting to martial arts, what’s your favourite? How do you balance your workouts?
I love all of them. I honestly can’t choose. I think a blend of the two is what has helped me reach my ultimate potential. I wouldn’t be where I’m at without one or the other.
What is your daily diet like? The entire nation is hooked onto some diet fad or the other. What is your take on these fad diets?
Fad diets are absolute bullshit. The key to success when it comes to your nutrition is sustainability. Fuel your body with everything it craves for but do it within limit. Life is too short to restrict yourself and go crazy doing so… Unless you’re getting paid what Tiger Shroff is to look the way he does 365 days a year… I’d do it, no problem. Like I said, sustainability is key. Make sure you’re following a nutrition plan for the long run.
A woman is as capable in their 20s as they would be in their 50s. My mom is the best example of that.
How do you control binge eating?
It’s not difficult for me. Fitness and just overall well-being have become a lifestyle. I don’t just train or eat to look good anymore, but it truly makes me feel better when I eat clean from within. I like to incorporate my cravings into my diet so that I don’t go crazy or all-out on just one day because that can set one back. It’s important to give your body everything it needs; however, in limits. Portion control is the key to being successful with your nutrition.
What are the three most important points one should keep in mind for an ideal weight loss routine?
1. Nutrition is key. It’s 70% nutrition and 30% training. 2. Portion control. 3. Get enough sleep… Rest and recovery are vital in your weight loss journey.
How should women’s workouts change in their 30s, 40s and 50s?
It shouldn’t. A woman is as capable in their 20s as they would be in their 50s. My mom is the best example of that. Just keep at it and don’t let go of your fitness routine and you’ll be young for a lot longer than anticipated.
2 .What’s your biggest indulgence when it comes to food?
Savoury: Pizza. Sweet: Nutella: Straight out of the jar, with a spoon, and nothing else.
People always want to know what one move is best for the whole body. Is there such a move?
To be honest, I would have to give credit to the deadlift. If you want to do one exercise for the rest of your time, make it that. It works the maximum number of muscles in your body.
3 tried and tested workouts for weight loss …
What might work for me, might not for someone else and vice-versa. Fitness is a game of trial and error, so keep at it until you find the perfect one for yourself.
Life is too short to restrict yourself and go crazy doing so… Unless you’re getting paid what Tiger Shroff is to look the way he does 365 days a year… I’d do it, no problem.
Quick takes:
The fittest celebrity according to you? Tiger Shroff.
The biggest diet myth: Carbs make you fat and fats make you fat.
I begin my day with the gym.
Your fitness mantra: Consistency is key. Give it 30 mins or two hours a day, but make sure that time and effort is consistent.
On your cheat day you… Eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Are there any quick fixes for weight loss?
Nope. Be patient and stay consistent. Results take years, unfortunately, but you’ll start loving the process once you start seeing slight changes in both your physicality and mentality.
What is your biggest fear when it comes to your health? Everything. Health is wealth. Without it, absolutely nothing in this world matters. No money, no fame, nothing!

1. Consistency is key.
2. Fitness is a game of trial and error.
Take the risk.
3. What might work for me might not necessarily work for someone else and vice-versa, so stay focused on your own path.
4. PATIENCE. These things take time.
5. Make fitness a lifestyle.