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Revolutionize your productivity with AI websites!

Revolutionize your productivity with AI websites!

Revolutionize your productivity with AI websites! - Hashtag Magazine

Artificial intelligence(AI) has transformed the way we work and boosted our productivity in many ways. We can finish the work in just a few minutes, from automation tools to AI-powered assistants, there are many AI websites available to revolutionize your productivity. Dhanush Kumar lists the top AI websites that can make your work faster and more efficient.

  1. Zapier

Zapier is a popular automation tool that connects different apps and other web series to automate your work. It can integrate over 3,000 different apps, and it is completely AI-powered. With AI features, it can automate some tasks like sending emails, updating spreadsheets, and many more. You can save time on repetitive tasks and focus on other work.

  1. Trello
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Trello is a project management tool that uses AI to help you stay organized. It uses machine learning algorithms to predict the completion time of the tasks and provides various recommendations for task prioritizations. With this tool, you can create boards, cards, and lists to organize all your day-to-day projects and track your progress.

  1. Hootsuite
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Hootsuite is a social media management platform that uses AI to help you manage your social media accounts and pages more efficiently. It helps in automating social media posts, monitoring social media mentions, and providing various analyses to help you improve your social media strategy and get good growth on the platforms.

  1. IFTTT
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IFTTT(If This Then That) is a popular automation tool, that connects various web services and automates your tasks. It can integrate 600 different applications and web services. Just like Zapier, IFTTT automates some tasks like sending emails, spreadsheets, and other activities.

  1. Asana
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Asana is a project management tool that helps you stay on top of your tasks. Asana uses AI to provide various task recommendations, project prioritization, and team workload optimization. With the help of this amazing tool, you can create tasks, assign them to team members and also track progress on the projects assigned.

  1. Canva
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Canva is an amazing AI designing tool that helps you create professional-looking designs in a matter of minutes. On this website, you will find pre-designed templates for everything. It can provide design suggestions, image cropping, and even colour recommendations. With the help of Canva, you can save time and money by creating your designs without the need for a professional designer.

  1. Slack
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Slack is a popular messaging app that improves team communication and collaboration. It uses AI to provide personalized notifications, message suggestions, and even emoji suggestions. With Slack, you can reduce email clutter and streamline your team communication.

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  1. Evernote
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Evernote is a note-taking app that helps you organize your ideas and notes. The platform allows you to create notebooks, tags, and reminders and also offers a range of tools for capturing content from the web, including PDF annotation, and handwriting recognition. 


Each of these AI platforms can be used to help you organize your work more effectively, and finish off the work in a matter of minutes. These tools help you save a lot of time and money.


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