Contribute With Us

If you are a lifestyle expert or even an experienced blogger, we invite you to share your knowledge with our readers….Articles can range from arts, fashion, health, lifestyle, beauty, fitness, wellness, social causes, startup, pets to reviews and latest discoveries in food, beauty, fitness centre’s, retail, books and more. We welcome any contributions that enhances lifestyles!

Note for contributors:

  • Experts can submit articles on all lifestyle issues
  • We are also always on the lookout for new and regular contributors, including photographers, stylists, writers, illustrators and graphic designers. So, whether you are an established professional or the new kid on the block and you feel your work suits our style and quality, do write in!
  • We do not accept material that has been previously published in any form in print or online.
  • Articles approved by the Editorial Committee only will be published
  • The publisher will not commit any time frame/issue details to carry the articles.
  • The authors/contributors will be notified once the article is published.
  • Article lengths vary widely from 300 to 2,000 words depending on the subject. On occasion, longer articles and excerpts also appear in the magazine.
  • If you’re unfamiliar with our magazine, we recommend reading a few issues, subscribing, or at least signing up for our newsletter to get a feel for the kind of work we publish.

Read through these notes and follow the instructions before emailing your submissions…

  • Kindly use British English as a standard benchmark; except when using colloquial references.
  • Always give source of the statistics that are being quoted
  • Kindly do not directly copy material from any online or offline sources. Your articles will be scanned for plagiarism, and plagiarism is a crime in our world!
  • Apart from following the standard format of writing the article, kindly attach pictures/graphics that you feel would be ideal for the article. It may or may not be used, but is important to get the sense of your article. 
  • Names of your interviewer, names of organisations, or any other use of such Proper Nouns must be double-checked for accuracy of the spellings.
  • Italicize all words that are not English, for instance, karmaguru, paneer, asana etc etc.
  • Readers may contribute very short reviews of noteworthy artistic and cultural events: exhibitions, theatre or music performances, festivals, conferences or others. Including good photographs with a submission improves its chances of being accepted.

General Guidelines For Hashtag Magazine contributors:

Dear all

Please follow the formats given below for every item you write – to minimize errors and speed up Production.

Every article must come with the following:

Meta description: Max Length 160 characters( including space).

This should contain main keywords. ( repeat keyword twice)

You can use this tool to check the count

Headline: Give us two-three options.

*Must highlight the key words

Main introduction

Introduction should have the main keyword within first 100 words
• Preferably, keep the introduction limited to 100 words. No more than 150 words.

*Use key word once

Short paragraphs
• Sub-heads should be in title case, that is, all
first letters should be in capital letters.

*Repeat key word 3 -4 times in the entire copy

Sub heads: 

Try to make them keyword friendly


3- 4 lines

Relevant photographs 

Every article is to be supported with 4-5 images. Images should add value by illustrating concepts and data.

In case of stock images plz cite the source.

Guest Post 


Sponsored Posts

We do have sponsored post options for companies who would like to increase their visibility while sponsoring great content. Again, this is not a way to post an advert, rather a way for you to put your name to some great content for our readers. . Contact us if you would like to discuss this.

Write in to us at