September EDITION

Finding sanity in the social media world!

Yes, we allowed it to happen! Bedrooms and bathrooms used to be extremely private spaces. But that was before people started taking mirror selfies to flaunt off their ripped bodies and double bath shots. I, for one, have succumbed to this mania. My friends dragged me to Sketch in London to see what is allegedly London’s most Instagrammable toilet! Sketch, located near Oxford Street, features grooving lighting, curved mirrors, and futuristic egg pods that beg to be photographed. If you’re truly there to pee, good luck, because you’ll have to wait in long lines, along with many others, for your turn to take a picture with the pee pods.

Like that is not bad enough. You now have what is called Instagram Tours available all around the world. What do these tours offer you? A great photographer and team that will take you around town. You can visit all the iconic and picturesque sites and snap some Instagram-worthy pictures. Have a bigger budget? Then it gets better. The crew will bring along outfits to match the locations. A wedding dress, if you want a proposal shot, a flowing red gown if you want to look like a superstar in some exotic Greece locale, feeling more like a goddess and less like a tourist, choices are galore! The real question is, where does this madness end?

It’s fun to scroll through memes, and photos, and check out live updates from people you’ve met throughout your life, but have you realized social media has taken over our lives? So much so that we cannot eat a single meal without capturing it on camera first.

It is a true fact that man is a social animal and lives in society, with interaction being the foremost act.

But the line between interaction and exhibitionism is slim. And perhaps it is here that we fall. Families today seem to be divided by their phones, friends are happier online and real human communities have been exchanged for bigger online families! I mean, how crazy can it get?

Life is as easy as you make it! Don’t overthink and don’t forget to enjoy the simple pleasures! Lose that madness, not your sanity!

Enjoy reading and keep your comments