Fashion has since time immemorial been both an assertion of personality, and an expression of thoughts and ideals. Each era has its own signature style that defined the times, and managed to capture the mood of the masses. In our personal embellishments, we have often found solidarity with popular emotion of the times. gen-Zs too have managed to make a statement on the times with the fashion trends they conjure and follow. They consider fashion to be an empowering tool in the modern world. They believe that fashion can’t be caged or restricted but it is supposed to be explored and discovered without hindrances. Avanthika Reddy picks the brains of some new age influencers to get a feel of what defines gen-Z fashion.
1. What does today’s young generation perceive fashion as?
“Fashion to me is confidence. When I think of fashion I think of an outfit that makes me feel empowered and confident. Although fashion varies from person to person according to their aesthetic, I believe fashion is what gives me the power to look exactly like who I want to be.”

Fashion Pickings : Fashion doesn’t have a limit, you can go above and beyond.
- Prableen Kaur bhomrah, 24, influencer, Mumbai
2. It is often said that fashion has no limits. Is that just a myth, or is there any truth to it?
“Honestly just like skincare I feel fashion too is a very personal thing and one can choose to express themselves the way they want. I or anyone for that matter don’t get to decide limits for another person. I just feel fashion shouldn’t be taken too seriously or else you lose the fun and creative side of it. Let people just explore the creative side.”

Fashion Pickings : One tip would be to start experimenting until you find your style. While getting inspired from people and the internet is fine, I think how you dress up reflects your personality, and following too many people might dent that. When you find your style you’ll be more confident and comfortable in everything you choose to wear.
- Yashwant, 22, influencer, New Delhi. @yashwantsngh
3. How have fashion trends evolved for this generation?
“Fashion became a lot more inclusive. Before you had to look and dress a certain way to be considered fashionable but now people are all for self-expression. Even brands are coming up with clothing and accessories that are gender neutral and body inclusive. Also, fashion used to be only for people in a certain industry but now it’s becoming for all and I love that!”

Fashion Pickings : Your style should show who you are so wear what makes YOU feel empowered. Wear what makes you feel good. Restyling your clothes is the new cool so play around with your wardrobe and have fun. Fashion is all about enjoying it!
- Nikita Nagaraj, 28, Social Media Manager, Bengaluru @thelifestylefiesta
4. Every generation has its potholes. What do you think have been the fashion potholes of this generation?
“Some trends we’ve fallen prey to are impulsive buying, self-doubt, body image issues and a never ending obsession for branded products. I believe in sustainable fashion. Quality should be intact, and it should be affordable and environmentally friendly. Not everyone can invest in a Gucci. People need motivation and creativity to style their outfits in a way that expresses them best, without blindly following unhealthy trends.

Fashion Pickings : Make a statement with whatever you have. A single piece of cloth can create wonders. I believe every person has a unique way of interpreting fashion. I define my style as comfortable, minimalistic, and classy.
- Snigdha Polapragada, 25, Digital Content Creator, Influencer, Entrepreneur, Hyderabad. @snigdhapv
5. What rules does this generation go by when it comes to fashion?
“There are certainly no rules in my perception. Komal Pandey is one amazing example. She is a creator who breaks stereotypes and creates magic in everything she wears. It’s really therapeutic to watch her videos. It’s a fresh take on fashion. Fashion changes according to the person’s mood and aesthetic. You wear what you like and how you like.”

Fashion Picking : Fashion is not what you wear, it’s who you are. Always choose comfort and wear your confidence.
⁃ Vaishnavi K U, 25, Content Creator, Bengaluru. @grubmode
6. What is the gen-Z take on fashion stereotypes?
“I personally hate fashion stereotypes. Fashion is for all and it doesn’t mean that if you’re a girl you are supposed to wear only dresses, or being a boy restricts you to wearing pants. Just like how people explore their sexuality, exploring fashion and men trying on makeup or women preferring to shave their head doesn’t have to define their character or make their sense of fashion bad. Fashion is a choice and people can choose what they want.”

Fashion Pickings : There are no rules. Do not let anything compromise your style. If you have a scarf, wear it as a top, a hair bandana or even as a skirt. There are no limits to exploring creativity.
- Krisha jain, 19, influencer, Mumbai. @krisha_jain
7. Trends have always been recycled, historically speaking. What trends do the gen-Zs keep harking back to?
“Fashion has gone through various different phases and what’s amusing is that we experience it in full capacity and revisit it again after a couple of years. The trends keep coming and going, they happen to recur too, but the only thing that stays with us is our sense of taste in fashion.”

Fashion Pickings : You don’t need a reason to dress up. Just pick an outfit, style it up and slay the glam.
⁃ Divya Boppana, Content Creator, Hyderabad. @divyaboppana_
8. How has fashion empowered this generation?
“Fashion gives me motivation and strength because a good outfit speaks for itself. It gives me the power to make myself stand out and look different. When my outfit is speaking for itself and making heads turn, that vibe is indescribable.

Fashion Pickings : Do more of what makes you happy. Fashion should be giving you confidence and happiness, do not dress to impress but dress up to look fabulous!
- Mohd Nabeel Afridi, 22, Youtuber, Influencer, Warangal. @iamnabeelafridi
9. Is there something that holds this generation back in terms of fashion?
“This generation is struggling to break perceptions that people carry about young people, to break free from what people want us to be. Being confident in your fashion choices is important, and one should never feel shy to explore.

Fashion Pickings : Fashion isn’t about wrong or right; it’s about finding your style. And experimenting with various aesthetics is the way to ace it.
- Rahull Gaur, 18, Influencer, Kota. @rahullgaur