Homemade Hacks for Frizzy, Unmanageable Hair!

With the amount of hair treatments and chemicals we use on our hair these days and the kind of pollution we face, our hair quality is bound to deteriorate. And frizzy, dry and unmanageable hair is just the start of that damage. So before it gets worse and your hair starts resembling a sparrow’s nest, take proper care of your hair. Below are some tips by Saba Ladha that will help bring back the life and shine of your hair!

  • Apple cider vinegar — Apple cider vinegar is a magical ingredient that can make your hair become naturally smooth and shiny again. Just mix this vinegar and water in 3:1 proportion and apply it on your hair. Ensure that it reaches everywhere from your root to the tips. Now let it stay for around five minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Brush your hair after drying normally and you’ll find it super soft and flowing.
  • Oil chumpi before hair wash — Girls, it’s time to give some credit to your granny once again. Well, their remedy of a thorough oil chumpi is the answer to your frizzy and rough hair. So, take a generous quantity of pure coconut oil and massage your hair thoroughly one hour prior to bathing. Wash it off casually with a protein shampoo and see the magic after it dries. 
  • Almond oil and egg— Almond oil is far more rich in proteins that coconut oil. And egg is the natural source of this essential nutrient. And frizzy hair is basically damaged hair that is in desperate need of protein therapy. So, in order to treat your hair, mix ¼ cup of natural almond oil with an egg and apply it on your hair. Yes, we know that it stinks, but well, your hair will thank you for this. Leave this mixture on your hair for an hour and wash off thoroughly. Dry and brush as usual and enjoy bouncy, soft hair! Follow this trick twice a week for best results.
  • The avocado and yogurt mask — Avocado is a blessing for your body – agreed! But, it’s a fabulous home remedy to treat your hair’s frizziness as well. Just prepare a mask of it by mixing a small whole avocado with a spoon full of yoghurt and make a paste. Apply it on your hair and leave for an hour. Enjoy superb silky hair for the rest of the day or two. Follow this therapy once a week and you’ll see the difference in your hair.

So, try these home remedies ASAP and let us know how well they worked for you. We are sure you’ll have good hair day everyday from now onwards. 

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