Customised Skin & Hair Products to the Rescue!

We all face some problem with our hair or skin at various points of time and are constantly on the lookout for products that can help regain the glow in our skin and the shine in our hair. Harshika Dewangan gives you a lowdown on online shops that operate via Instagram and have become quite popular among the youth. These stores offer customised products that are made according to your options and your hair or skin type. Isn’t it cool?! Take a look at these hidden gems!
1. SkinKraft
Website –
SkinKraft is a company for hair and skin products that you can to customise according to your hair type and skin type. The website claims that their products are chemical free and safe to use. Be sure to read reviews on the website before making a purchase. For more information, visit their Instagram account – (@skinkraftofficial)

How to order a product from SkinKraft?
- Visit their official website given above
- Click on the “know your hair” or “know your skin” tab.
- Select your age, hair type, thickness, etc questions
- Sign up on their page using your Facebook id or email id.
- Click on “see the pricing plans”
- The price details are on subsciption modles—12-month subscription (Rs 999 for 2 months) 6-month subscription (Rs 1499 per 2 months), and a trial pack which is Rs 1699
- Continue with the plan you like and add your address
- Chose your payment method and place an order.
2. Bare Anatomy
Website –
Bare anatomy is a popular company that provides customised hair and skin products. They first started with hair customisation and slowly went on to make products for the skin. Bare Anatomy also provides beauticeuticals and bare ingredients. They claim that their products are natural, vegan, and cruelty-free and are freshly prepared for customer demand. For more info, visit their Instagram account – (@bareanatomy.official)

How to order a product from bare anatomy?
- Visit the official website mentioned above
- Click on the “start my hair analysis” or “start my skin analysis” tab.
- Complete the question and answers about your hair or skin
- After completing, You will see the price rate for the shampoo conditioner, etc
- Add the items you want then go to cart sign-up, add an address, and order.
3. Freewill
With a mission to create an open and inspired society in which pure human encounters such as bravery, compassion, and self-love are the epitome of beauty, Freewill provides customised hair and skin products for all your problems. For more information, visit their Instagram account – (@freewill_in)

How to order a product from free will?
- Visit their official website
- Click on the “start my hair assessment” or “start my skin assessment” tab.
- Perform the question-answer session
- After answering, you will see the personalised products chosen for you.
- Add to cart the product you like to buy.
- Add your contact information and shipping address, choose the payment method.
What are you waiting for? Hurry and order your customised product from the above websites and give your hair and skin a refreshing change from the commercial products available in the market!