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GLUTEN-FREE recipes that don’t make you feel low -carb!

GLUTEN-FREE recipes that don’t make you feel low -carb!

Chef Ishijyot Surri 1 800x813 1 -

A gluten-free diet involves excluding foods that contain the protein gluten, including wheat, rye and barley. A gluten-free diet is essential for most people with gluten allergies or celiac disease, a condition which causes intestinal damage when gluten is eaten.

Having a completely gluten free diet can be a challenge, but here are some recipes by Chef Ishijyot Surri, Executive Chef, MULK – A fine-dine restaurant, that is going to make this easier for you…

1.Buckwheat Margarita 

Buckwheat Margarita -


  • buckwheat bread – 4 slices
  • butter or mayonnaise – 1 tsp
  • tomato – 1 medium sized (cut into slices)
  • onion – 1 medium sized (cut into rings)
  • bell peppers – 1 medium sized (cut into slices)
  • basil leaves – 4 to 5
  • pizza sauce – 2 to 4 tsps
  • crushed sea salt as per taste
  • crushed black pepper as per taste
  • mozzarella cheese –  80 gms  (grated)


Toast the bread slices in an OTG oven, till it turns golden brown. Now apply butter or mayonnaise to the slices on one side, followed by pizza sauce. Arrange evenly the tomato slices, onion slices, and bell peppers. Now, sprinkle crushed sea salt and crushed black pepper as per the taste. Sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese onto the slices.

Microwave the slices till the cheese is melted and the bread gets a light brown crust. 

Serving Suggestion: Serve hot with mustard sauce or tomato ketchup.

2.Poached Fish Sautéed with Bok Choy in Soy Scallion Sauce

Poached Fish Sautyed with Bok Choy in Soy Scallion -


  • sea bass fillet – 2 
  • salt as per taste
  • pepper as per taste
  • white wine (for poaching)  – 240ml
  • water – 160 ml
  • bok choy – 2 bunches
  • sesame oil – 1 tbsp
  • roasted black sesame seeds – for garnish
  • light soy sauce – 2 tbsps
  • scallion: 1 medium sized (cut in flakes)
  • lemon slice – 1 


Take a deep pan, add water and white wine and bring it to a boil. Now, add fish fillets, and lemon slice along with a pinch of salt and poach it until the fillets are cooked.

By the time the fish is poached, sauté the bok choy and scallion flakes in sesame oil along with salt and pepper as per the taste.  Now, add light soy sauce and sauté. 

Place the poached fish on the plate. Pour the over the light soya sauce with sautéed bok choy and scallions.

Garnish it with roasted sesame seeds.

Serving Suggestion: Can be served with steamed rice or with soba noodles. 

3.Herbed Grilled Chicken with Stir fry veggies on the bed of Green Peas and Potato Mash in Chicken Jus

Herbed Grilled Chicken with Stir fry veggies on the bed of Green peas Potato Mash in Chicken Jus. -


  • chicken breast – 2 units
  • mixed Italian herbs – 5 gms
  • salt and white pepper powder as per taste
  • olive oil – 2 tbsps
  • red or yellow or green bell peppers  – ½ inch pieces (cut into triangles)
  • baby corns –  3 (cut into dices)
  • yellow squash – 50 gms (cut into dices)
  • green zucchini – 50 gms (cut into dices)
  • button mushrooms – 5 units (each cut into 4 parts)
  • green peas – 150 gms
  • potatoes  – 1 medium sized
  • fresh cream – 50 to 100 ml
  • butter: 100 gms


Marinate the chicken breast with herbs, salt, white pepper powder and olive oil for 30 minutes. Once marinated, grill the marinated chicken.

Stir fry the cut veggies in olive oil and butter, with salt and white pepper as per taste, and keep it aside. Boil the green peas and potatoes, once softened, mash them both. 

Add cream and butter to this mashed mixture along with seasoning. 

See Also
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Heat the chicken jus with seasoning and butter to use it for serving

To Serve:

  • Take a dollop of mashed green peas and potatoes on the plate. Place the grilled chicken breast over it. Arrange the stir fry veggies on one side of the plate. Pour out the chicken pepper jus over the grilled chicken. 

Serving Suggestion: Can be served along with bread rolls or butter herbed rice. 

4.Argula Caprese

Argula Caprese -


  • arugula lettuce – 750 gms
  • buffalo mozzarella – 100 gms (cut into slices)
  • tomatoes – 1 medium sized (cut into slices)
  • basil leaves – 10 leaves (finely chopped)
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • salt and white pepper as per taste
  • balsamic reduction – 1 tbsp


  1. Arrange the Arugula lettuce on the plate. Arrange the tomato slices and buffalo mozzarella slices on the lettuce. Sprinkle the seasoning of salt and pepper. 
  2. Sprinkle finely chopped basil. Drizzle olive oil and balsamic reduction.

Serve it cold as a side dish. 

5.Gluten free Kisir


  • tender sorghum (jowar) – 1 cup 
  • Turkish hot pepper paste – 1 tbsp 
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp 
  • spring onions – 1 cup (white and green, finely sliced together)
  • parsley – 1 cup (finely chopped)
  • fresh mint – ½ cup (finely chopped)
  • green chilli  – 1  (finely chopped)
  • extra-virgin olive oil – 1/3 cup 
  • fresh lime juice – ¼ cup
  • sugar molasses – 1 tbsp 
  • salt to taste 
  • iceberg lettuce
  • red chilli flakes as per taste


  1. Mix together the tender sorghum, spring onions, parsley, and mint. Now, add tomato paste, green chilli, Turkish hot pepper paste to the above mixture. 
  2. Make a salad dressing using, lime juice, olive oil, sugar molasses and add it to the greens mixture. Add salt to taste and mix it thoroughly.
  3. Sprinkle the chilli flakes at the end.

To serve: Put the spoonful of mixture onto the lettuce. Fold the lettuce like a taco, with the salad mixture and consume it.


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